Photographic Exploration at the
Bereskin Gallery Bettendorf Iowa
Hey Riverbenders -- Amazing Gallery Opportunity!
As we advised previously, Pat Bereskin, the owner of the Bereskin Gallery in Bettendorf and a strong patron of the arts, has extended an invitation to members of the Riverbend Photo Video Club and Local Photographers to display and offer for sale some of their photographic artwork at the Bereskin Gallery during the month of February 2021. She is calling this the Photographic Exhibition Project. We noted the impressive quality of photographic art that our members displayed at our photo print exhibition last year at the Bettendorf Library. Now you have the opportunity to display and possibly sell up to two of your great photographs.
Why should you participate? First, because doing so would allow you to share your artistic vision and accomplishments with others. Second, you would help bring photographic artwork into its rightful place in the art world through display in a first class Gallery. Finally, viewers might then have the opportunity to purchase your art and display it for their own enjoyment in their own homes.
We have attached the Gallery's "Call for Photographs" announcement to this email. The process for entering is very simple. First, review the details in this call for photographs. Second, make a small preview photo of each of the one or two photographs you would like to submit for consideration and send those in online as directed. Finally, print out the "Call for Photographs" sheet, fill in the basic information requested, and mail it to the Bereskin Gallery as directed before the January 2, 2021 deadline. The jury will then screen submissions for this Project and if your photographic art is selected for the display, you will be contacted by the Gallery and you will then need to deliver your finished, ready to hang artwork to the Gallery by the deadline date of January 22, 2021. Note that Pat Bereskin has graciously waived the normal $20 preview entry fee for members of the Riverbend Photo Video Club, so there is no cost for you to participate.
You may have further questions about this Project or about procedural details. If so, Joe Maciejko is coordinating this project with the Gallery so please feel free to email or call him with any questions or other inquiries at: [email protected] or 563-650-4178.
Jay, Joe, Paula, Kent, Tina
As we advised previously, Pat Bereskin, the owner of the Bereskin Gallery in Bettendorf and a strong patron of the arts, has extended an invitation to members of the Riverbend Photo Video Club and Local Photographers to display and offer for sale some of their photographic artwork at the Bereskin Gallery during the month of February 2021. She is calling this the Photographic Exhibition Project. We noted the impressive quality of photographic art that our members displayed at our photo print exhibition last year at the Bettendorf Library. Now you have the opportunity to display and possibly sell up to two of your great photographs.
Why should you participate? First, because doing so would allow you to share your artistic vision and accomplishments with others. Second, you would help bring photographic artwork into its rightful place in the art world through display in a first class Gallery. Finally, viewers might then have the opportunity to purchase your art and display it for their own enjoyment in their own homes.
We have attached the Gallery's "Call for Photographs" announcement to this email. The process for entering is very simple. First, review the details in this call for photographs. Second, make a small preview photo of each of the one or two photographs you would like to submit for consideration and send those in online as directed. Finally, print out the "Call for Photographs" sheet, fill in the basic information requested, and mail it to the Bereskin Gallery as directed before the January 2, 2021 deadline. The jury will then screen submissions for this Project and if your photographic art is selected for the display, you will be contacted by the Gallery and you will then need to deliver your finished, ready to hang artwork to the Gallery by the deadline date of January 22, 2021. Note that Pat Bereskin has graciously waived the normal $20 preview entry fee for members of the Riverbend Photo Video Club, so there is no cost for you to participate.
You may have further questions about this Project or about procedural details. If so, Joe Maciejko is coordinating this project with the Gallery so please feel free to email or call him with any questions or other inquiries at: [email protected] or 563-650-4178.
Jay, Joe, Paula, Kent, Tina
Photographic Exploration Project
Dates: February 3rd to February 26th Opening: February 5th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Deadline for Submission: 1/2/2021 Notice of Acceptance: 1/4/2021
There is no theme for this open call. All styles and techniques are welcome. Let it be experimental, documentary, portrait, travel, cityscapes or any other approaches to photography (In accordance with PG rating. Suitable for all ages). This is an open call to Quad City area photographers of all ages and levels of experience. We look forward to discovering new visions of photography through the artist’s most personal approaches to image making as they capture what they are most passionate about. We want to feel the heart of the work!
Submit up to 2 entries per person. The participating artists will be selected through a jury of photographers and curators. A preview image of each item you propose to submit is required by January 2, 2021. The requirements for preview images: JPG format no larger than 900 pixels (long side). Each image should be saved with the title as:
Your Name_title of piece_location where photo was made_size of finished print_price (price to include 50% Gallery Commission) EXAMPLE:
PAT_SMITH_Snow_Tucson_AZ_16x20_$250 (Note: No empty spaces in image title)
Please upload preview image(s) on or before January 2, 2021 to:
Framed (or otherwise finished, ready to hang) prints of accepted work are due by January 22nd, between 10 and 4 pm at the Beréskin Gallery located at 2967 State Street, Bettendorf, IA
Each finished piece must be clearly marked with photographer’s name, address, phone number, email, title of piece, size of finished print, location where photo was made, price (must include 50% gallery commission). Artwork must be ready to hang with appropriate framing and hangers - no duct tape.
For additional information contact Pat at the gallery, 2967 State Street, Bettendorf or [email protected]. Riverbend Photo Video Club members may also contact Joe Maciejko ([email protected]) with their questions.
To Register, submit your preview image(s) as directed above, then fill out and return this form, along with a $20 entry fee payment to Beréskin Gallery, 2967 State Street, Bettendorf, IA 52722 ($20 entry fee is waived for members of the Riverbend Photo Video Club)
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone ______________________________ Email _____________________________________________

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