Bylaws of the Riverbend Photo Video Club
Approved and Adopted 1-2-20
Article I – Name
1.The name of this organization shall be the Riverbend Photo Video Club. It may be referred to in these bylaws as the “RPVC” or “The Club.”
Article II – Mission and Purpose
1.It is our mission and purpose to:
1.Anyone interested in photography may become a member by the payment of dues to the Treasurer.
2.The Executive Board has discretion to define what it means for a member to be “in good standing.” Members may be suspended or expelled by the Executive Board for non-payment of dues or for other good and sufficient reason. Behavior that could warrant suspension or expulsion includes but is not limited to disruptive or inappropriate behavior at meetings, or the presentation of inappropriate or plagiarized images or other material. The Executive Board shall have full discretion as to what constitutes "good and sufficient reason", and the decision of the Executive Board shall be final in instances of this case.
3.In order to vote in club elections or votes, a member must be in good standing and must have paid the current dues at least one month before the election or vote.
4.The Secretary or another member appointed by the President shall maintain a membership list of Club members. The list will include the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of every member unless the member has specifically requested information be withheld. The membership list may be distributed to club members only and may be provided as hard-copy or in electronic form. The list of members is private and shall not be disclosed or be made available for uses outside of the Club.
5.An individual must be a member of the Club in good standing in order to be an Officer, Director, Representative, Committee Chair or hold any other position in the Club.
6.All club memberships expire on August 31 of the fiscal year.
7.The Club fiscal year shall be from September 1 through August 31.
Article IV – Dues
1.The annual Dues for individual or other types of membership shall be determined by the Executive Board.
2.Dues shall be payable by October 1 of each new fiscal year.
3.For new members joining after March 1, the dues for the remainder of the Club year shall be half the annual amount.
4.Couples who join the Club may have a reduced dues rate as established by the Executive Board.
5.The Executive Board may establish a student dues rate at its discretion.
Article V – Meetings
1.Regular meetings of the Club shall, if possible, be held on a monthly basis.
2.The dates of regular meetings may be changed when necessary, or a special meeting may be convened when it is deemed in the interest of the club. Such action may be taken by the Executive Board or, in the event of an emergency, by the President or a Vice President and one other Officer. Reasonable notice of such change or addition shall be given to the Club members.
3.Guests are welcome at Club meetings but may not vote or participate in official club functions, such as training programs, or club outings and photo shoots. In the event of ambiguity regarding guest participation in a particular club event or program, the Board shall decide whether such participation is appropriate. Guests may become members at any time by paying the then current dues obligation.
Article VI – Officers and Directors
1.The Officers shall be President, Vice President, Co-Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected as per Article VII.
2.The Directors shall be Program Director, Technical Director, Art of Photography Director, and Video Director. The directors shall be appointed by the Board. Additional Directors may be appointed by the Executive Board as the need arises.
Article VII – Elections and Terms of Service
1.A Nominating Committee consisting of a chairperson and two other members knowledgeable in the aims and operation of the Club shall be named by the President by the first regular meeting in June.
2.This committee shall, after canvassing the membership for persons willing to serve, present nominations for Officers at the first regular meeting in July. Nominations may be made from the floor no later than at the July meeting of the Club. When seconded, such nominated individuals shall be included in the list of candidates for Officer positions.
3.The Officers shall be elected at the first regular meeting in August to serve for two years beginning at the start of the Club fiscal year on September 1. If the election is uncontested, voting shall be by voice vote or written paper ballots of those members present and a simple majority is required. If there are two or more candidates for any of the Officer positions by the date of the July meeting, the Executive Board shall appoint a special committee to formulate and implement a procedure for a secret written ballot in which all members may have a voice in the election of the Officers. If there is a tie in the votes for any Officer position, the winner will be determined by the flip of a coin.
4.If the President vacates office or is unwilling or unable to fulfill the duties of President, the Vice President shall become President. If any other Officer vacates office, a successor shall be chosen by the Executive Board to complete the term.
Article VIII – Duties of Officers
Duties of the President shall include being the Club spokesperson and he or she shall generally direct and supervise all Club activities. The President shall be the chief Executive Officer of the Club and shall have general supervision over the business of the Club and its Officers, subject to the control of the Executive Board. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Executive Board. In the name of the Club, the President may sign and execute contracts or other final instruments duly authorized by the Executive Board. The President in consultation with the Executive Board shall have the power to appoint the Directors and any other Committee Chairs for committees that may be created. The President may delegate particular official club responsibilities or functions to other officers, directors or club members from time to time as the need arises. The President, or his/her designee, shall be responsible for the maintenance and updating of the Club web site.
2.The President shall serve on the Executive Board.
3.Vice President
Duties of the Vice President shall be to assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. The President may, in the event of his or her absence or disability, designate the Vice President to perform all duties of the President and, when so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of the President and be subject to all the restrictions placed upon the President. The Vice President shall serve on the Executive Board.
4.Co-Vice President
The Co-Vice President shall have the same duties and responsibilities as the Vice President, acting in that capacity when the Vice President is not available or as directed by the President. The Co-Vice President shall serve on the Executive Board.
Duties of the Secretary shall include maintaining records of the minutes of all Executive Board and business meetings and actions of Officers; to notify members of regular and special meetings and events; and to conduct correspondence of the Club. The Secretary shall also compile a summary of each club meeting and distribute these summaries to the Club members by email and keep copies of these summaries in the Club records. The Secretary is the official custodian of Club. The Secretary shall serve on the Executive Board.
The Treasurer shall control, jointly with the President, the financial affairs of the Club. The Treasurer shall collect and keep records of member dues. He or she shall keep its financial records, shall receive and arrange for the safekeeping of its funds, and shall pay out its funds only in such manner as defined in these Bylaws or duly authorized by the Executive Board. In addition, he or she shall produce for Executive Board review a semi-annual financial report detailing income and expenditures to date. The Treasurer shall be a co-signer on all Club bank and investment accounts. All checks or disbursements shall be signed by the President or the Treasurer of the Club, or by another Officer as directed by the President. The Treasurer shall also serve on the Executive Board.
Article IX – Duties of the Directors
1.Program Director
The Program Director shall be responsible for planning the format and content of regular and special Club meetings, as well as exploring and planning informative and educational programs for the benefit of members. The Program Director will coordinate these plans and activities with the President and Executive Board.
2.Technical Director
The Technical Director shall be responsible for custody, operation, and maintenance of the Club’s technical equipment including the Club computer, projector, screen, and any other equipment owned by the Club. The Technical Director will coordinate these functions with the President and the Executive Board.
3.Art of Photography Director
The Art of Photography Director shall be responsible for cultivating in Club members the development and formation of artistic photographic skills in addition to assisting in the development of photographic craft skills. The Art of Photography Director shall also be responsible for supervising and educating commenters on providing quality commentaries on images shared by members. The Art of Photography Director will coordinate these activities with the President and the Executive Board.
4.Video Director
The Video Director shall be responsible for planning and implementing video related projects and other educational programs and activities to develop and improve video skills in Club members. The Video Director will coordinate these activities with the President and the Executive Board.
5.Additional Director positions may be established by the Executive Board and in that event the President shall appoint the Director. Director positions may also be eliminated by the Executive Board if that position is no longer deemed necessary for the Club.
Article X – The Executive Board
Article XIII – Dissolution of the Club
Approved and Adopted 1-2-20
Article I – Name
1.The name of this organization shall be the Riverbend Photo Video Club. It may be referred to in these bylaws as the “RPVC” or “The Club.”
Article II – Mission and Purpose
1.It is our mission and purpose to:
- Share our photography and videography with each other, to learn how to improve our skills, and have fun doing it.
- Be a welcoming association for photographers and videographers of all skill levels and interests.
- Understand our members' interests, in order to give them a positive club experience.
- Provide an active mentoring program for members of all skill levels. To emphasize not only the “craft” of photography and videography, but also the development of the “art” of photography and videography.
- Share our photographic resources in community activities for the betterment of the community.
- Encourage social contact between members, not only at meetings and club events, but outside as well.
1.Anyone interested in photography may become a member by the payment of dues to the Treasurer.
2.The Executive Board has discretion to define what it means for a member to be “in good standing.” Members may be suspended or expelled by the Executive Board for non-payment of dues or for other good and sufficient reason. Behavior that could warrant suspension or expulsion includes but is not limited to disruptive or inappropriate behavior at meetings, or the presentation of inappropriate or plagiarized images or other material. The Executive Board shall have full discretion as to what constitutes "good and sufficient reason", and the decision of the Executive Board shall be final in instances of this case.
3.In order to vote in club elections or votes, a member must be in good standing and must have paid the current dues at least one month before the election or vote.
4.The Secretary or another member appointed by the President shall maintain a membership list of Club members. The list will include the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of every member unless the member has specifically requested information be withheld. The membership list may be distributed to club members only and may be provided as hard-copy or in electronic form. The list of members is private and shall not be disclosed or be made available for uses outside of the Club.
5.An individual must be a member of the Club in good standing in order to be an Officer, Director, Representative, Committee Chair or hold any other position in the Club.
6.All club memberships expire on August 31 of the fiscal year.
7.The Club fiscal year shall be from September 1 through August 31.
Article IV – Dues
1.The annual Dues for individual or other types of membership shall be determined by the Executive Board.
2.Dues shall be payable by October 1 of each new fiscal year.
3.For new members joining after March 1, the dues for the remainder of the Club year shall be half the annual amount.
4.Couples who join the Club may have a reduced dues rate as established by the Executive Board.
5.The Executive Board may establish a student dues rate at its discretion.
Article V – Meetings
1.Regular meetings of the Club shall, if possible, be held on a monthly basis.
2.The dates of regular meetings may be changed when necessary, or a special meeting may be convened when it is deemed in the interest of the club. Such action may be taken by the Executive Board or, in the event of an emergency, by the President or a Vice President and one other Officer. Reasonable notice of such change or addition shall be given to the Club members.
3.Guests are welcome at Club meetings but may not vote or participate in official club functions, such as training programs, or club outings and photo shoots. In the event of ambiguity regarding guest participation in a particular club event or program, the Board shall decide whether such participation is appropriate. Guests may become members at any time by paying the then current dues obligation.
Article VI – Officers and Directors
1.The Officers shall be President, Vice President, Co-Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected as per Article VII.
2.The Directors shall be Program Director, Technical Director, Art of Photography Director, and Video Director. The directors shall be appointed by the Board. Additional Directors may be appointed by the Executive Board as the need arises.
Article VII – Elections and Terms of Service
1.A Nominating Committee consisting of a chairperson and two other members knowledgeable in the aims and operation of the Club shall be named by the President by the first regular meeting in June.
2.This committee shall, after canvassing the membership for persons willing to serve, present nominations for Officers at the first regular meeting in July. Nominations may be made from the floor no later than at the July meeting of the Club. When seconded, such nominated individuals shall be included in the list of candidates for Officer positions.
3.The Officers shall be elected at the first regular meeting in August to serve for two years beginning at the start of the Club fiscal year on September 1. If the election is uncontested, voting shall be by voice vote or written paper ballots of those members present and a simple majority is required. If there are two or more candidates for any of the Officer positions by the date of the July meeting, the Executive Board shall appoint a special committee to formulate and implement a procedure for a secret written ballot in which all members may have a voice in the election of the Officers. If there is a tie in the votes for any Officer position, the winner will be determined by the flip of a coin.
4.If the President vacates office or is unwilling or unable to fulfill the duties of President, the Vice President shall become President. If any other Officer vacates office, a successor shall be chosen by the Executive Board to complete the term.
Article VIII – Duties of Officers
Duties of the President shall include being the Club spokesperson and he or she shall generally direct and supervise all Club activities. The President shall be the chief Executive Officer of the Club and shall have general supervision over the business of the Club and its Officers, subject to the control of the Executive Board. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Executive Board. In the name of the Club, the President may sign and execute contracts or other final instruments duly authorized by the Executive Board. The President in consultation with the Executive Board shall have the power to appoint the Directors and any other Committee Chairs for committees that may be created. The President may delegate particular official club responsibilities or functions to other officers, directors or club members from time to time as the need arises. The President, or his/her designee, shall be responsible for the maintenance and updating of the Club web site.
2.The President shall serve on the Executive Board.
3.Vice President
Duties of the Vice President shall be to assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. The President may, in the event of his or her absence or disability, designate the Vice President to perform all duties of the President and, when so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of the President and be subject to all the restrictions placed upon the President. The Vice President shall serve on the Executive Board.
4.Co-Vice President
The Co-Vice President shall have the same duties and responsibilities as the Vice President, acting in that capacity when the Vice President is not available or as directed by the President. The Co-Vice President shall serve on the Executive Board.
Duties of the Secretary shall include maintaining records of the minutes of all Executive Board and business meetings and actions of Officers; to notify members of regular and special meetings and events; and to conduct correspondence of the Club. The Secretary shall also compile a summary of each club meeting and distribute these summaries to the Club members by email and keep copies of these summaries in the Club records. The Secretary is the official custodian of Club. The Secretary shall serve on the Executive Board.
The Treasurer shall control, jointly with the President, the financial affairs of the Club. The Treasurer shall collect and keep records of member dues. He or she shall keep its financial records, shall receive and arrange for the safekeeping of its funds, and shall pay out its funds only in such manner as defined in these Bylaws or duly authorized by the Executive Board. In addition, he or she shall produce for Executive Board review a semi-annual financial report detailing income and expenditures to date. The Treasurer shall be a co-signer on all Club bank and investment accounts. All checks or disbursements shall be signed by the President or the Treasurer of the Club, or by another Officer as directed by the President. The Treasurer shall also serve on the Executive Board.
Article IX – Duties of the Directors
1.Program Director
The Program Director shall be responsible for planning the format and content of regular and special Club meetings, as well as exploring and planning informative and educational programs for the benefit of members. The Program Director will coordinate these plans and activities with the President and Executive Board.
2.Technical Director
The Technical Director shall be responsible for custody, operation, and maintenance of the Club’s technical equipment including the Club computer, projector, screen, and any other equipment owned by the Club. The Technical Director will coordinate these functions with the President and the Executive Board.
3.Art of Photography Director
The Art of Photography Director shall be responsible for cultivating in Club members the development and formation of artistic photographic skills in addition to assisting in the development of photographic craft skills. The Art of Photography Director shall also be responsible for supervising and educating commenters on providing quality commentaries on images shared by members. The Art of Photography Director will coordinate these activities with the President and the Executive Board.
4.Video Director
The Video Director shall be responsible for planning and implementing video related projects and other educational programs and activities to develop and improve video skills in Club members. The Video Director will coordinate these activities with the President and the Executive Board.
5.Additional Director positions may be established by the Executive Board and in that event the President shall appoint the Director. Director positions may also be eliminated by the Executive Board if that position is no longer deemed necessary for the Club.
- In the event of a vacancy in any of the Director positions, the functions of that position shall be handled by the Executive Board until another Director is appointed or the position is eliminated.
Article X – The Executive Board
- The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Club. Only the Officers shall be allowed to vote on items requiring Executive Board voting.
- The Executive Board shall handle all routine business of the Club and shall authorize the expenditure of funds for all Club expenses such as speakers, commenters, equipment, printing, dues, fees, and mailings.
- Formal meetings of the Executive Board shall be called periodically by the President or Vice President, as required, to transact business of the Club.
- Informal meetings of the Board may be called by the President or Vice President at any regular meeting of the Club by notice to the Board members present for the purpose of handling items of business that require immediate attention.
- At either formal or informal meetings of the Board, a majority of the Officers shall constitute a quorum.
- Decisions of the Executive Board will be made by votes by the Officers and require a majority of those present.
- Any member who wishes to bring items requiring Board action to the attention of the Executive Board may do so at any time by alerting the President or any other Executive Board member. The Executive Board will discuss the issue(s) at the next Executive Board meeting. Members are also free to come before the Executive Board at an Executive Board meeting in order to raise the issue(s) of interest or concern.
- Participation in formal or informal meetings of the Executive Board may be by direct presence or by direct contact through electronic media.
- The Executive Board may choose to have the Club affiliate with regional or national associations, such as CICCA, N4C, PSA or other such groups. When the Executive Board votes to establish such an affiliation, the President has the power to appoint a Representative of the Club to serve as the liaison to that association.
- The Executive Board may initiate an amendment to these Bylaws. An amendment may also be initiated by a petition signed by at least 20% of the members of the Club at that time. The proposed amendment, along with any rationale for that amendment, shall be distributed to the members at least thirty days prior to the scheduled vote on that amendment.
- The proposed amendment will then be discussed and voted on at a regularly scheduled or emergency Club meeting. Passage of the amendment will require a two thirds majority of the members in good standing present at that meeting. A quorum of at least 40% of the total membership of the Club in good standing is required for a vote. If such a quorum is not present, then the vote will be postponed until there is such a quorum at another meeting.
- If the amendment is passed, it shall become effective immediately upon passage.
- These initial Bylaws shall become effective immediately upon a majority vote by two thirds of the members in good standing present at the meeting in which they are presented to the Membership.
Article XIII – Dissolution of the Club
- In the event of the dissolution of the Club, the assets of the Club shall be liquidated and the proceeds of those assets, as well as any remaining balance in Club accounts, shall be used to settle any obligations the Club may have. Then, if there are any balances remaining in Club accounts, they shall be donated to a suitable charity or educational institution or program at the discretion of the Executive Board.