2024 Meeting and Program Schedule
In Person Meetings for 2024: 7/18, 8/15, 9/19, 10/17, 11/21, 12/19
In Person Meetings start at 6:30pm
Meeting and Program Schedule
Club meeting dates for 2023: 1-19 Zoom only and 2-16 Zoom only
All other meetings in person. 3-16, 4-20, 5-18, 6-15, 7-20, 8-17, 9-21, 10-19, 11-16, 12-14
In person meetings start at 6:30pm ---Zoom meetings start at 7:00pm
Feb. 16th ZOOM Meeting Program
As you know Jan and Feb Zoom meetings were to key in on image editing and we had some nice positive feedback from our Jan. Zoom meeting. We will again use this format with a few changes.
You can enter both categories if you choose.
1. Images for Comment up to 2 images.
Email subject title: YOUR NAME _COMMENT
2. Edit my image. Up to 2 .jpg images.
Please submit both UNEDITED and EDITED versions and Please do not put your name on the image.
Email subject title: YOUR NAME _EDIT and YOUR NAME_ UNEDITED
Rename your image files to: YOUR NAME
Other members will edit your image, and describe how it was done. They will not see your edit before the meeting.
After showing and discussing I will poll everyone to see which edit they like best.
Please, must have all images by Sunday, February 12th.
It would be a real help to me and others if you would submit your images early rather than waiting for the Feb 12th deadline.
Will send out your ZOOM invitation when we get closer to Thursday, February 16th.
Will be a fun night,
Paula, Joe, Scott, Tina, Jay